

Artists are my heroes. They are courageous beings who share their personal expression through their artistry, unafraid to study life in all it’s beauty, pain and complexity. They travel the roads not taken by most, willing to go face to face with their inner demons, to excavate the buried treasures that are hidden there. True artists bring to light the truth that lies within all of us.

My path to become an artist has been a bumpy one, full of fear and unknowns.

When I was adopted, it was a closed adoption, which meant that my birth certificate was sealed and I was not entitled to see my birth records or any identifying information around my birth. I was cut off from my ancestral roots and from my self. It was frowned upon to ask about my adoption, let alone search for my birth family. I felt split in two; there was the “me” that was living happily with my adopted family and the “me” that was kept secret, concealed from the truth. I wondered why this happened and would it happen again?

This cast a fearful shadow over my life. 

I have always wished to be an artist, to courageously express myself freely onto the canvas. But the life of an artist felt too risky. What would I paint? What did I want to express? I drew a blank.

Not knowing “who I am,” my identity, and where I came from made me feel that there was no “me” for which my artistic expression could come forth. I realized that I needed a firm foundation of knowing “who I am” first, in order to cultivate my artistic voice.

So, I opted for a career that felt safer and became a graphic designer. I studied design at UCLA and Art Center College of Design. After graduating, I worked at top advertising agencies and design firms in Los Angeles. 

Once I had my children, I established a home based graphic design business until a long term spinal condition took a turn for the worse. I found it difficult to keep up with running my business and the demands of raising my two young boys. So, I put my business on hold and focused on taking care of my boys and getting well, reading books on how to heal myself, waiting for my condition to get better. 

But the years went by and I was not getting better. I realized that I had to stop waiting for my health to improve. I had to make my life work from the state of health that I was in. 

So, I went back to school to become a Law of Attraction Life Coach. I figured that I could coach my clients from my telephone and this would support my chronic health condition. I immersed myself in the study of the law of attraction and explored energy work, becoming a Reiki Master and Hypnotherapy coach.

What I found was that as I integrated all that I was learning into my life, my health got better. My health increased as my perspective shifted. 

I gained the strength to search for my biological family and found my birth mother. I worked hard integrating the new found pieces of myself while releasing the self that I thought I had to be. 

I now work from my studio in the foothills of Los Angeles, living my life as an artist and graphic designer, sharing my voice, my pains and my love with the world through my artistic expression.

It took me a long time to get here, to accept, trust, and embrace who I really am, to finally live my life fearlessly through the lens of an artist.